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Tuesday, 28 January 2020

10 Beautiful Spanish Love Quotes that will Melt Your Heart

1 . Tardé una hora en conocerte y solo un día en enamorarme. Pero me llevará toda una vida lograr olvidarte.

Translation: It took me an hour to get to know you and just a day to fall in love. But it will take me a whole life to be able to forget you.

2 . Te quiero no solo por como eres, sino por como soy yo cuando estoy contigo.

Translation: I love you not only because of the way you are, but because of the way I am when I am with you.

3. Amame cuando menos lo merezca, por que sera cuando mas lo necesite.
Translation: Love me when I least deserve it, because it will be when I need it the most.

4. No importa que nos separe la distancia, siempre habrá un mismo cielo que nos una.

Translation: It doesn't matter that we're separated by distance, there will always be the same sky to unite us.

5. Amar es encontrar en la felicidad de otro la propia felicidad.
Translation: Loving is finding in someone else's happiness our own.

6. La mejor foto que tengo, es aquella en la cuál sonrío por ti.
Translation: The best photograph I have, is the one in which I'm smiling because of you.

7. Amar no es mirarse el uno al otro, es mirar juntos en la misma dirección.
Translation: Love it's not to look at each other, it's to look together towards the same direction.

8. Cuando era niño soñaba con conquistar el mundo, ahora me doy cuenta que tú eres mí mundo y me has conquistado.
Translation: When I was a kid I dreamed of conquering the world, now I realize that you're my world and you have conquered me.

9. Esta vida es mía, pero este corazon es suyo. Esta sonrisa es mia, pero la razon eres tú.
Translation: This life is mine, but this heart is yours. This smile is mine, but the reason is you.

10. Prefiero un minuto contigo a una eternidad sin ti.
Translation:  I prefer a minute with you than an eternity without you.

Ahh, LOVE.
Some may say it’s cheesy, but that’s love for you. Which quote is your favorite? Share in the comments. 🙂

Spanish Quotes Collection

“La acción es la clave fundamental para todo éxito.” – Pablo Picasso.

“Action is the foundational key to all success.” – Pablo Picasso.

“Nunca renuncies a un sueño por el tiempo que se requiere para lograrlo. El tiempo pasará de todas formas.” – Earl Nightingale.

“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” – Earl Nightingale.

“No puedo cambiar la dirección del viento, pero sí ajustar mis velas para llegar a mi destino.” – James Dean.

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” – James Dean.

“La mayoría de las personas gastan más tiempo y energías en hablar de los problemas que en afrontarlos.” – Henry Ford.

“Most people spend more time and energy going around problems than in trying to solve them.” – Henry Ford.

“Todos nuestros sueños se pueden hacer realidad si tenemos el coraje de perseguirlos.” – Walt Disney.

“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney.

“Dentro de veinte años estarás más decepcionado por las cosas que no hiciste, que por las que hiciste. Así que suelta las amarras. Navega lejos del puerto seguro. Atrapa los vientos alisios en tus velas. Explora. Sueña. Descubre.” – Mark Twain.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain.

Spanish quotes with English translations about success.

“Cambia tus pensamientos y cambiarás tu mundo.” – Norman Vincent Peale.

“Change your thoughts and you change your world.” – Norman Vincent Peale.

“Trabaja duro en silencio, que el éxito sea tu ruido.” – Frank Ocean.

“Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise.” – Frank Ocean.

“No importa lo lento que vayas, siempre y cuando no te detengas.” – Confucio.

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” – Confucius.

“Tu trabajo va a llenar gran parte de tu vida, y la única manera de estar realmente satisfecho es hacer lo que creas es un gran trabajo. Y la única manera de hacerlo es amar lo que haces. Si no lo has encontrado aún, sigue buscando.” – Steve Jobs.

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking.” – Steve Jobs.

Inspiring Spanish Quotes

“Imposible es una palabra que se encuentra sólo en el diccionario de los tontos.” – Napoleón Bonaparte.

“Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.” – Napoleon Bonaparte.

“Recuerda que la felicidad es una forma de viajar, no un destino.” – Roy L. Goodman.

“Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.” – Roy L. Goodman.

“Los desafíos son los que hacen que la vida sea interesante y superarlos es lo que hace la vida significativa.” – Joshua J. Marine.

“Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” – Joshua J. Marine.

“Yo prefiero ser un fracaso en algo que me gusta, que un éxito en algo que odio.” – George Burns.

“I’d rather be a failure at something I love than a success at something I hate.” – George Burns.

“La vida es un 10% lo que me ocurre y 90% cómo reacciono a ello.” – Charles R. Swindoll.

“Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.” – Charles R. Swindoll.

“La persona que dice que algo no puede hacerse no debe interrumpir a la persona que lo está haciendo.” – Proverbio chino.

“The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it.” – Chinese proverb.

“Los ganadores nunca se rinden y los que se rinden nunca ganan.” – Atribuida a Vince Lombardi.

“Winners never quit, and quitters never win.” – Credited to Vince Lombardi.

“No conquistamos a la montaña, sino a nosotros mismos.” – Edmund Hillary.

“It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” – Edmund Hillary.

“¿Quieres saber quién eres? No preguntes. ¡Actúa! La acción delineará y definirá quién eres.” – Thomas Jefferson.

“Do you want to know who you are? Don’t Ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” – Thomas Jefferson.

“Si puedes soñarlo, puedes lograrlo.” – Zig Ziglar.

“If you can dream it, then you can achieve it.” – Zig Ziglar.

“El conocimiento tiene que ser mejorado, desafiado e incrementado constantemente, o se desvanece.” – Peter Drucker.

“Knowledge has to be improved, challenged and increased constantly, or it vanishes.” – Peter Drucker.

“No cuentes los días, haz que los días cuenten.” – Muhammad Ali.

“Don’t count the days, make the days count.” – Muhammad Ali.

“He fallado más de 9000 mil tiros en mi carrera. He perdido casi 300 partidos. En 26 ocasiones, pude hacer la canasta que ganara el partido y fallé. He fracasado una y otra vez en mi vida. Y por esa razón he triunfado.” – Michael Jordan.

“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan.

“La felicidad no es algo que pospones para el futuro; es algo que diseñas para el presente.” – Jim Rohn.

“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” – Jim Rohn.

“Recuerda que no conseguir lo que quieres es a veces un maravilloso golpe de suerte.” – Dalai Lama.

“Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.” – Dalai Lama.

Spanish quotes with English translations about NOT GIVING UP!

“La falta de miedo es como un músculo. Sé por propia experiencia que cuanto más lo ejercitas más natural se convierte el no dejar que los miedos guíen tu vida.” – Arianna Huffington.

“Fearlessness is like a muscle. I know from my own life that the more I exercise it the more natural it becomes to not let my fears run me.” – Arianna Huffington.

“El secreto real del éxito es el entusiasmo.” – Walter Chrysler.

“The real secret of success is enthusiasm.” – Walter Chrysler.

“Para evitar la crítica no hagas nada, no digas nada, no seas nada.” – Elbert Hubbard.

“To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.” – Elbert Hubbard.

“El éxito no es la llave de la felicidad. La felicidad es la llave del éxito. Si amas lo que haces, tendrás éxito.” – Albert Schweitzer.

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Albert Schweitzer.

“Sé agradecido por lo que tienes; terminarás teniendo más. Si te concentras en lo que no tienes, nunca, jamás tendrás suficiente.” – Oprah Winfrey.

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” – Oprah Winfrey.

“Las limitaciones solo habitan en nuestra mente. Pero si usamos nuestra imaginación, nuestras posibilidades son ilimitadas.” – Jamie Paolinetti.

“Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.” – Jamie Paolinetti.

“La pregunta no es quién me va a dejar hacer algo; es quién se atreverá a detenerme.” – Ayn Rand.

“The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” – Ayn Rand.

“El talento es más barato que la sal de mesa. Lo que separa el individuo talentoso del exitoso es un montón de trabajo duro.” – Stephen King.

“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.” – Stephen King.

“No soy producto de mis circunstancias. Soy producto de mis decisiones.” – Stephen Covey.

“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” – Stephen Covey.

“No puedes controlar todos los eventos que te suceden, pero puedes decidir no ser reducido por ellos.” – Maya Angelou.

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” – Maya Angelou.

“Muchos de nosotros no estamos viviendo nuestros sueños porque estamos viviendo nuestros miedos.” – Les Brown.

“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” – Les Brown.

“La forma más común en que las personas renuncian a su poder es pensar que no tienen ninguno.” – Alice Walker.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” – Alice Walker.

“Los tiempos difíciles no perduran, pero las personas fuertes sí.” – Robert H. Schuller.

“Tough times never last, but tough people do.” – Robert H. Schuller.

“La mente es todo. Te conviertes en lo que piensas.” – Buda.

“The mind is everything. What you think, you become.” – Buddha.

“Es en los momentos de mayor oscuridad cuando debemos enfocarnos para ver la luz.” – Aristóteles Onassis.

“It is in our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” – Aristotle Onassis.

“Cuando te metes en un lugar apretado y todo va en tu contra, hasta que parece que no puedes soportar un minuto más, nunca te rindas, porque ese es justo el lugar y el momento en el que la marea va a cambiar.” – Harriet Beecher Stowe.

“When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.” – Harriet Beecher Stowe.

“La vida es una oportunidad, benefíciate de ella. La vida es belleza, admírala. La vida es un sueño, alcánzalo. La vida es un desafío, cumple. La vida es un deber, complétala. La vida es un juego, juégala. La vida es una promesa, cúmplela. La vida es pena, supérala. La vida es una canción, cántala. La vida es lucha, acéptala. La vida es una tragedia, enfréntala. La vida es una aventura, atrévete. La vida es suerte, hazlo. La vida es demasiado preciosa, no la destruyas. La vida es vida, lucha por ella.” –  Madre Teresa.

“Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is a beauty, admire it. Life is bliss, taste it. Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a duty, complete it. Life is a game, play it. Life is a promise, fulfill it. Life is sorrow, overcome it. Life is a song, sing it. Life is struggle, accept it. Life is a tragedy, confront it. Life is an adventure, dare it. Life is luck, make it. Life is too precious, do not destroy it. Life is life, fight for it.” – Mother Teresa.

Here are some very wise quotes.

“Lo más difícil es la decisión de actuar, el resto es meramente tenacidad. Los temores son tigres de papel. Uno puede hacer cualquier cosa que decida hacer. Uno puede actuar para cambiar y controlar su vida; y el procedimiento, el proceso, es su propia recompensa.” – Amelia Earhart.

“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward.” – Amelia Earhart.

“Permite que el refinamiento y la mejora de tu propia vida te mantengan tan ocupado que tengas poco tiempo para criticar a otros.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

“Let the refining and improving of your own life keep you so busy that you have little time to criticize others.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

“No te puedo dar la fórmula del éxito, pero sí te puedo dar la fórmula del fracaso – la cual es: Tratar de complacer a todo el mundo.” – Herbert Bayard Swope.

“I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure – which is: Try to please everybody.” – Herbert Bayard Swope.

“Si haces lo que siempre has hecho, obtendrás lo que siempre has conseguido. No es lo que hacemos de vez en cuando lo que da forma a nuestras vidas, sino lo que hacemos constantemente.” – Tony Robbins.

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.” – Tony Robbins.

“Con los años he aprendido que una vez que la mente se decide, el miedo disminuye; saber lo que se debe hacer aparta el miedo.” – Rosa Parks.

“I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.” – Rosa Parks.

Experience and the patience important subjects in these Spanish quotes with English translation.

“Todo llega a su tiempo al que sabe cómo esperar.” – León Tolstoy.

“Everything comes in time to him who knows how to wait.” – Leo Tolstoy.

“Qué maravilloso es que nadie necesite esperar ni un solo momento antes de comenzar a mejorar el mundo.” – Ana Frank.

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” – Anne Frank.

“La fuerza no viene de ganar. Tus luchas desarrollan tus fortalezas. Cuando pasas por dificultades y decides no rendirte, eso es la fuerza.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger.

“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger.

You have arrived at the first half of these 100 Famous Spanish quotes with English translation, keep reading!

“Si todo parece estar bajo control, no vas lo suficientemente rápido.” – Mario Andretti.

“If everything seems under control, you’re not going fast enough.” – Mario Andretti.

“Una persona que nunca ha cometido un error nunca ha intentado nada nuevo.” – Albert Einstein.

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein.

“El problema de no tener una meta es que se puede pasar la vida corriendo de lado a lado en la cancha y nunca anotar.” – Bill Copeland.

“The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.” – Bill Copeland.

“Comienza por hacer lo necesario; luego haz lo que es posible; y de repente, estarás haciendo lo imposible.” – Francisco de Asís.

“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – Francis of Assisi.

“Cuando yo tenía cinco años, mi madre siempre me decía que la felicidad es la clave para la vida. Cuando fui a la escuela, me preguntaron qué quería ser cuando fuera grande, escribí “feliz”. Me dijeron que yo no entendía la pregunta. Les dije que no entendían la vida.” – John Lennon.

“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” – John Lennon.

“Prefiero morir de pasión que de aburrimiento.” – Vincent van Gogh.

“I would rather die of passion than of boredom.” – Vincent van Gogh.

“Ningún acto de bondad, por pequeño que sea, es en vano.” – Esopo.

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” – Aesop.

“Puedes decepcionarte si fallas, pero estás condenado si no lo intentas.” – Beverly Sills.

“You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you do not try.” – Beverly Sills.

“Comienza donde estás, usa lo que tienes, haz lo que puedes.” – Arthur Ashe.

“Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe.

“¿Qué es el dinero? Un hombre es exitoso si en el tiempo entre despertar e irse a la cama hace lo que realmente quiere.” – Bob Dylan.

“What is money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.” – Bob Dylan.

Amazing Spanish quotes about courage and self-esteem.

“Lo que haces hoy puede mejorar todos tus mañanas.” – Ralph Marston.

“What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.” – Ralph Marston.

“La vida se contrae o se expande en proporción al coraje de uno.” – Anais Nin.

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” – Anais Nin.

“Dentro de un año usted pudiera desear haber comenzado hoy.” – Karen Lamb.

“A year from now you may wish you had started today.” – Karen Lamb.

“La educación cuesta dinero. Pero también lo hace la ignorancia.” – Sir Claus Moser.

“Education costs money. But then so does ignorance.” – Sir Claus Moser.

“Sólo una cosa convierte en imposible un sueño: el miedo a fracasar.” – Paulo Coelho.

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” – Paulo Coelho.

Forget about the past and start working, as these Spanish quotes say.

“Cuando quieras tener éxito tanto como quieres respirar, entonces vas a ser exitoso.” – Eric Thomas.

“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.” – Eric Thomas.

“Sin saltos de la imaginación, o sueños, perdemos la emoción de las posibilidades. Soñar, después de todo, es una forma de planificación.” – Gloria Steinem.

“Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.” – Gloria Steinem.

“Cómo comienzas tu día es cómo vives tu día. Cómo vives tu día es cómo vives tu vida.” – Louise Hay.

“How you start your day is how you live your day. How you live your day is how you live your life.” – Louise Hay.

“Fallas el 100% de los tiros que no haces.” – Wayne Gretzky.

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzky.

“Exponte a tu miedo más profundo, después de eso, el miedo no tiene poder, y el miedo a la libertad se reduce y desaparece. Eres libre.” – Jim Morrison.

“Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free.” – Jim Morrison.

“La gente siempre culpa a sus circunstancias por lo que son. Yo no creo en las circunstancias. La gente que sale adelante en este mundo es la gente que se levanta y busca las circunstancias que quiere, y si no las puede encontrar, las crea.” – George Bernad Shaw.

“People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, make them.” – George Bernard Shaw.

“Por cada fracaso, hay un curso de acción alternativo. Solo hay que encontrarlo. Cuando llegues a un bloqueo en el camino, toma un desvío”. – Mary Kay Ash.

“For every failure, there’s an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a roadblock, take a detour.” – Mary Kay Ash.

“Sin desviación de la norma, el progreso no es posible.” – Frank Zappa.

“Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible.” – Frank Zappa.

“Si el mundo te parece frío, enciende fuegos para calentarlo.” – Lucy Larcom.

“If the world seems cold to you, kindle fires to warm it.” – Lucy Larcom.

“Nunca en la vida aprendí algo de alguien que estuviese de acuerdo conmigo.” – Dudley Field Malone.

“I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me.” – Dudley Field Malone.

You can learn important lessons from each one of these inspirational Spanish quotes.

“Cualquier cosa que puedas hacer o soñar que puedes, comiénzala. La audacia tiene genio, poder y magia en ella.” – Johann von Goethe.

“Whatever you can do or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” – Johann von Goethe.

“El éxito parece ser en buena parte cuestión de perseverar después de que otros hayan abandonado.” – William Feather.

“Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.” – William Feather.

“No dejes que la vida te desanime; todo el que ha llegado donde está tuvo que comenzar por donde estaba.” – Richard. L. Evans.

“Don’t let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was.” – Richard L. Evans.

“La gente exitosa está siempre buscando oportunidades para ayudar a los demás. La gente fracasada siempre se está preguntando ¿Qué hay para mí?” – Brian Tracy.

“Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, ‘What’s in it for me?’” – Brian Tracy.

“Una persona no puede directamente escoger sus circunstancias, pero sí puede escoger sus pensamientos e indirectamente -y con seguridad- darle forma a sus circunstancias.” – James Allen.

“A man cannot directly choose his circumstances, but he can choose his thoughts, and so indirectly, yet surely, shape his circumstances.” – James Allen.

“Apunta a la luna. Si fallas, podrías dar a una estrella.” – W. Clement Stone.

“Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star.” – W. Clement Stone.

“Pon el corazón, la mente y el alma incluso en los actos más pequeños. Ese es el secreto del éxito.” – Swami Sivananda.

“Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.” – Swami Sivananda.

“La única manera de descubrir los límites de lo posible es aventurarse un poco más allá de ellos hacia lo imposible.” – Arthur C. Clarke

“The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.” – Arthur C. Clarke.

“Es duro fracasar, pero es todavía peor no haber intentado nunca triunfar.” – Theodore Roosevelt.

“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” – Theodore Roosevelt.

“Cuando dejo de ser lo que soy, me convierto en lo que podría ser.” – Lao-Tsé.

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” – Lao Tzu.

“Todo lo que siempre has querido está al otro lado del miedo.” – George Addair.

“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” – George Addair.

“Cree y actúa como si fuese imposible fallar.” – Charles Kettering.

“Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.” – Charles Kettering.

“No he fallado. Sólo he encontrado 10000 maneras que no funcionan.” – Thomas A. Edison.

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas A. Edison.

“Alguien está sentado en la sombra hoy porque alguien plantó un árbol hace mucho tiempo.” – Warren Buffett.

“Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” – Warren Buffett.

“Tomas tu vida en tus propias manos y, ¿qué pasa? Algo terrible: no hay nadie a quién culpar.” – Erica Jong.

“You take your life in your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing: no one to blame.” – Erica Jong.

We are getting close to the end of these amazing quotes in Spanish and English.

“Sueña en grande y atrévete a fallar.” – Norman Vaughan.

“Dream big and dare to fail.” – Norman Vaughan.

“No importa lo que te diga la gente, las palabras y las ideas pueden cambiar el mundo.” – Robin Williams.

“No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.” – Robin Williams.

“Recuerda, nadie puede hacer que te sientas inferior sin tu consentimiento.” – Eleanor Roosevelt.

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt.

“No podemos ayudar a todos, pero todo el mundo puede ayudar a alguien.” – Ronald Reagan.

“We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.” – Ronald Reagan.

“Nuestras vidas empiezan a terminar el día en que guardamos silencio acerca de las cosas que importan.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Iré a cualquier parte siempre y cuando sea hacia delante.” – David Livingston.

“I’ll go anywhere as long as it’s forward.” – David Livingston.

“He sido impresionado con la urgencia de hacer. Saber no es suficiente, debemos aplicar. Estar dispuesto no es suficiente, debemos hacer.” – Leonardo da Vinci.

“I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.” – Leonardo da Vinci.

“¿Qué grandes cosas intentarías si supieras que no vas a fracasar?” – Robert H. Schuller.

“What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?” – Robert H. Schuller.

“Lo que haces marca una diferencia, y tienes que decidir qué tipo de diferencia quieres marcar.” – Jane Goodall.

“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” – Jane Goodall.

“El pesimista ve dificultad en toda oportunidad. El optimista ve oportunidad en toda dificultad.” – Winston Churchill.

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” – Winston Churchill.

Monday, 27 January 2020

Republic Day Wishes In Tamil: Messages You Can Share With Family And Friends

Republic Day is the celebration of the 'Constitution of India'. Here are a few Republic Day wishes in Tamil that will evoke patriotism in you.

On January 26, 1950, the Constitution of India was formed marking the country's transition toward becoming an independent republic nation. Ever since then, every year, this gazetted holiday has been celebrated as the Republic Day. This day is celebrated to restate that no person, law, rule or government is bigger than the constitution.

On this special day, while some celebrate hoisting the tricolour, others celebrate it by sharing Republic Day wishes, quotes, images and Whatsapp statuses with their family and friends. Here are some Republic Day wishes in Tamil (taken from Tamil Popxox.com).

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Republic Day wishes in Tamil
அரசியலமைப்பு, அமெரிக்க கொடுத்தது
நம்பிக்கை, சுதந்திரம், சமாதானம் ஒரு பெருமை
எனவே அது உருவாக்கப்பட்ட நாளை மதித்து
ஒரு புன்னகையுடன்,
இனிய குடியரசு தின வாழ்த்துக்கள்!

The Constitution gave us
the pride of hope, liberty, peace,
so with a smile of respect
for the tomorrow it was created,
Happy Republic Day!

இளைஞர்கள் கைகோர்த்து நம்பிக்கை கொடிபிடித்து
குடியரசைப் போற்றுவோம்! – நம்தேசக் கொடிதனை ஏற்றுவோம்!!
இனிய குடியரசு தின வாழ்த்துக்கள்!

Let the youth join hands and salute the Republic!
Let us hoist the flag! Happy Republic Day!

குடியரசு தேசம் நம் தேசம்
நெடுந் புகழ் ஓங்கியொளி வீசும்
அன்பின் வழியில் நாம் சென்றோம்
அஹிம்சையால் அதை வென்றோம்!
இனிய குடியரசு தின வாழ்த்துக்கள்!

Our great Republic nation
Has steered in the path of love,

Its pride is its righteousness
and we have won it by non-violence!
Happy Republic Day!

சுதந்திர காற்றை சுகமாய் அனுபவிக்கும் நம் சுதந்திர கொடி போல்
நாமும் நமக்காக பாடுபட்டு வாங்கித்தந்ததை பத்திரப்படுத்தி வாழ்வோமாக
வளர்க பாரதம்! வெல்க பாரதம்!
குழந்தைகளுக்கு இனிய குடியரசு தின வாழ்த்துக்கள்!

Like our flag of freedom, enjoying the free air,
we can live our lives safe and secure!
Welcome! Happy Republic Day to the kids!

இந்தியா என் தாய்நாடென்று வெறுமனே
இயம்புவதை விட்டு விட்டு – நம் இன ஒற்றுமை மற்றும்
இயற்கைவளம் சீரழியாமல் இதயம் வைத்து காப்பதே நம் கடமையாகும்!..
குழந்தைகளுக்கு இனிய குடியரசு தின வாழ்த்துக்கள்!

India is simply my motherland it is our duty to protect our ethnic unity and

the natural environment without degrading the heart!

Makar Sankranti 2020: All About The Hindu Festival Of India

Makar Sankranti would be celebrated on January 15, 2020. The harvest festival marks the Northward movement of sun and therefor it is called Uttrayan in Gujarat.

India is a land of varied cultures and traditions. The whole country has different festivals that are celebrated in different parts of the nation. One such festival is Makar Sankranti. It is a harvest festival that is celebrated on January 15 every year.

This festival is celebrated in different parts of India with different traditions and names. According to the Hindu calendar, this festival is celebrated on a specific day that is referred to as a solar day in the Hindu calendar. The festival is all about worshipping the sun and the legend of Hindu mythology related to Sankranti.

Sankranti was a goddess according to Hindu mythology. As per the legend, Sankranti killed a devil named Sankarasur. The day next to Makar Sankrant is called Karidin or Kinkrant.

On this day, the Devi slayed the devil Kinkarasur. The information of Makar Sankranti is available in Panchang. The Panchang is the Hindu Almanac that provides information on the age, form, clothing, direction, and movement of Sankranti.

Importance of Makar Sankranti
On the day of Makar Sankranti, the sun starts its Northward movement. This is also known as the Uttrayan journey, and therefore the festival is known Uttrayan in the state of Gujarat.

Important facts
On the day of Makar Sankranti, a holy bath in one of the holy rivers is a very old tradition. This holy bath happens at different sacred holy rivers like in Varanasi, Haridwar, Ujjain, Nashik, and Allahabad.
Sun is worshipped with a haldi-kumkum ceremony and a sacred puja is held in the morning for the same.
Til or sesame seeds laddoo is one of the traditional eateries on Makar Sankranti.
Also Read| Nationals from 45 countries take part in Gujarat Kite festival

Kite Festival
Kite flying is one of the sports that is practiced on this day. It is one of the biggest festival sports in Gujarat on the day of Uttrayan. In other parts of the nation, there are various sports and dances that are held to commemorate the festival.

Also Read| International Kite Festival: The beauty of the fun-filled event held at Ahmedabad

In different regions of India, Makar Sankranti is celebrated with different names
Lohri is celebrated in Haryana and Punjab. At night, people gather around the bonfire and throw til, puffed rice and corns into the flames of the bonfire. Prayers are offered to the bonfire seeking abundance and prosperity.
In Bihar, the Makar Sankranti festival is known as Khichdi. On this day, donating urad, rice, gold, woollen clothes, blankets, etc. have their own importance.
In Maharashtra, all married women donate cotton, oil, and salt to other married women on their first Sankrant.
In Bengal, there is a tradition of donating til after taking bath in Makar Sankrant. A huge fair is also organised every year in Gangasagar.
On the occasion of Makar Sankranti in Tamil Nadu, this festival is celebrated as Pongal for four days.


Makar Sankranti: SMS & Messages To Send To Your Friends And Family

Makar Sankranti is celebrated across the nation on January 15. People send Makar Sankranti messages to their loved ones. Happy Makar Sankranti to everyone

India is a country full of various cultures and traditions. The entire country has innumerable festivals that are celebrated with unity and togetherness. Makar Sankranti is the harvest festival that is celebrated every January 15 majorly by the people of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Goa. This Hindu festival is also celebrated in the rest of the states as well but usually with different names and traditions.

Makar Sankranti Messages
On this auspicious occasion of Makar Sankranti, people send their families and friends messages and wishes. This is just to make them feel special and to remind them that you are missing them and want them to be happy and well. Here are some of the messages that you can send on Makar Sankranti 2020.

“Look at the brighter side of life, it’s so pleasant and sees the Sun smiling for you & birds singing for you. Happy Makar Sankranti”
“With great devotion, fervour and vivacity, with rays of hope and light, we wish you a very Happy Makar Sankranti”
“As the sun starts its northward journey, let’s come together and celebrate this season of opulence with love, peace and joy. Wish you a very Happy Makar Sankranti”
“Worship the Lord Sun, and fly the kite and celebrate the day, as this is the season of harvest. Happy Makar Sankranti to all.”
“This is that time of the year where you can enjoy the moment with full intensity and cheers. Wish you and your family a very prosperous Makar Sankranti”
“The festival of sun and harvest is here. May it enlighten your mind with knowledge and wisdom. Happy Makar Sankranti dear”
“Let’s come together and celebrate this day of happiness. Let’s fly the kites and touch the skies of happiness. Wish you a very Happy Makar Sankranti”
“Explore out the brightest light coming from the sun rays and enjoy this gentle breeze & cool air with hearty music. Wish you a very Happy Makar Sankranti”


Makar Sankranti Wishes In Telugu To Share With Your Telugu Friends

Makar Sankranti is celebrated across the nation on January 15. Here is all you need to know about the festival. Here are some of the wishes in Telugu. 

The winter harvest season Makar Sankranti is here. People across the nation are busy celebrating this festival. The celebration includes everything right from bonfire to kite flying sessions and many get-togethers and also special delicious food items that are made using the winter harvest. 

It is widely celebrated in Maharashtra, Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and is also celebrated under different names across the country. Here are some messages to share with your Telugu friends to wish them on the occasion of Makar Sankranti.

Also Read: Makar Sankranti: Top Places For Kite Flying In Ahmedabad You Must Check Out

Makar Sankranti wishes in Telugu
1. Palaloni Telladanam, Cherukuloni Tiyyadanam. Mungiṭlo Mugguloni Rangula Andam. Anniṇṭi Kalayikato Paṇḍaga naaḍu Mee Iṇṭlo Velliviriyāli Aanandam. Meeku Mariyu Mee Kuṭumba Sabhyulaku Sankranti Subhakaankshalu.

2. Tarigiponi Dhanyarasulatho. Taralivacche Sirisampadalato. Tiruguleni Anubandhala Allikalato. Mee Jeevitham Dinadinam Vrudhi Chendalani, Mee Illu Kalakalam Pacchadanamtho Kaḷakaḷalaḍalani Korukuṇṭu. Sankranti Subhakaankshalu.

3. Telugu dananiki Niluvettu Prateeka. Aa Galipaṭam la Unnatanga Egire Mana Ghanata. Jeevitanni Rangulamayam Chese Acchamaina Veḍuka Mana Sankranti Paṇḍuga. Meeku Mariyu Mee Kuṭumba Sabhyulaku Sankranti Subhakaankshalu.

4. Ningi Nunchi Nelaku Digivacche Harivillulu, Mana Mungiṭlo Merise Rangavallulu. Pachekaṭṭulu, Pandemkollu, Haridasulu, Dudu Basavannalu. Teluginti Sanskr̥ti Sampradayalanu Gurtu Chestu. Meeku Mariyu Mee Kuṭumba Sabhyulaku Sankranti Subhakaankshalu.

5. Aakupacchani Mamiḍi Toraṇaalu. Pasupu Pacchani Melimi Singaramatho Merise Gaḍapalu. Mungiṭlo Muggulu, Andamaina Gobbemmalu. Iṇṭiki Taralivacche Dhanyarasulu. Ide kada Mana Telugiṇṭi Sanskr̥ti, Ide kada Mana Telugiṇṭi Paṇḍaga. Sankranti Subhakaankshalu.

I wish you soar high just like
the kites on Makar Sankranti.
!! Happy Makar Sankranti !!

Pongal Stickers To Send To Your Near And Dear Ones And Wish Them Happiness

Pongal stickers are one of the best ways to wish your near and dear ones this Pongal 2020. Check out some stickers which you can send them on social media

Pongal is one of the most revered festivals in South India, which is celebrated to thank the Sun God and Lord Indra as a sign to help the farmers in yielding better crops. A special puja is also performed by the farmers to thank the Sun god while the festival is traditionally celebrated for four continuous days. On the first day of the festival which falls on January 13, is called Bhogi, people reject their old belongings and welcome new stuff. Farmers burn their old household materials in a fire while chanting “Paraiyana kadiwalum, Pudiyana Pugudulam” which literally translates to “Let the old things go away and Let the new things come in”.

Also Read | How To Celebrate Pongal; Here Are All The Details About The Sacred Festival

The second day of the festival is called Thai Pongal, while the third day of the celebration is known as Mattu Pongal and the fourth day of the celebration is called Kaanum Pongal. A lot of people cannot be there with their family and friends to wish them on this auspicious day so they rely on social media to wish their near and dear ones on this day. Writing a message for them is one of the conventional ways of wishing them, while stickers are trending nowadays. Hence, if you are in search of some Pongal stickers to send on Whatsapp or any other social media, here are a few stickers which you can send your near and dear ones this Pongal.


Pongal 2020: Here's How You Can Wish Your Closed Ones This Harvest Season

Pongal is one of the most auspicious festivals in all of south India. Here are a few decent Pongal wishes that you can share with your friends and family

Pongal is one of the most revered festivals in southern India. The festival marks the beginning of the harvest season in the south and also is celebrated right before the summer solstice. Pongal will be celebrated on January 15, 2020, and the festivities will continue for three whole days. Here are a few Pongal wishes that are appropriate for the festival that you can send to your family and friends.

Auspicious Pongal wishes that you can send your friends and family during the festival
Also Read | Pongal 2020: Know the history and significance of celebrating this festival in India

Pongal is one of the most auspicious festivals for south India. During the celebrations, you might want to send your friends and family Pongal wishes. However, finding the right message to send can be a problematic task that you may not have the time to go through. So here are a few Pongal wishes suggestions that you can use to send to your contacts during this auspicious harvest season.

May this harvest festival diminish all your worries and fears from your life and fill your heart with calm and healthy thoughts. Happy Pongal”

wishing you #happiness, peace, #joy, and good luck aplenty on the auspicious day of #Pongal.

May this festival may be the start of your brighter days, blessed with prosperity and joy. Happy #Pongal!

Pongal Nalvazthukal :


Pongal Festival 2020: Know The Date And Importance Of The Festival

Pongal is a harvest festival that is celebrated on January 15, 2020. It is a four-day festival ending on January 18, 202. Here is the traditional belief of it.

Pongal, one of a major Hindu festival is celebrated on the fourteenth day of January every year in the state of Tamil Nadu. For four long days, the festival is celebrated and mother nature and Sun God is worshipped for bestowing food grains and providing energy for agriculture. The harvest festival is named after the Tamil word, Ponga, which means to boil. Read ahead to know all about the festival.

ALSO READ: Pongal 2020: Traditional Dishes That Mark The Celebrations Of This South Indian Festival

Pongal in 2020
Bhogi Festival: 14 January 2020, Tuesday
Surya Pongal: 15 January 2020, Wednesday
Mattu Pongal: 16 January 2020, Thursday
Kaanum Pongal: 17 January 2020, Friday
Why is Pongal celebrated?
There are two dimensions to celebrate Pongal. One, it is meant to rejoice the bounteous harvest preceding the Pongal celebrations. Secondly, Pongal is a kind of thanksgiving in which people celebrate it to thank all those aspects that helped their agricultural and farming activities.

The first day of Pongal is celebrated in honour of Lord Indra, the god of rain. On the second day, known as Thai Pongal, there is a special ritual performed where rice and milk are boiled together in an earthen pot - which is tied with a turmeric plant- out in the open as an offering to the sun god. 

However, another important aspect of this day is the kolam, which is the traditional design hand-drawn at the entrance of houses with lime powder.

The third day, Mattu Pongal is celebrated in the name of cows. The cattle are adorned with bells, sheaves of corn and garlands and are worshipped.

The fourth day, Kaanum or Kanu Pongal marks the last day of the harvest festival. On this day, a ritual is performed where the leftover sweet dish Pongal and other food are set out in the courtyard on a washed turmeric leaf, along with betel leaves, betel nuts and sugar cane.

How do people celebrate Pongal?
On the days of Pongal, Tamilians decorate their houses with mango, banana leaves and colourful patterns made with rice flour at the entrance of the house. Moreover, the traditional sweet dish of Pongal is prepared at home from rice and jaggery. Apart from this, Jallikattu, a bull-taming event is also organised.

Indian Army Day: Quotes That You Can Use To Honour Our Country's Heroes

Army Day quotes is one of the ways to honour the country's war heroes that help all the citizens of the country. Read more to see some Indian Army Quotes.

The real heroes of the world, army men are the reason ensuring our country’s safety.  They should be respected as the Indian Army stands tall in the harshest of conditions when we, here in the city are enjoying amongst ourselves. Whether it be the freezing cold temperatures or scorching heat, they always remain brave, awake just to keep us secure and safe.

Army Day is always conducted on January 15 every year, to commemorate the day when Lieutenant General KM Cariappa took over General Sir Francis Butcher as Commander-in-Chief of India on January 1949. This year will mark the Indian Army’s 72nd Army Day which is a very auspicious day. Read more to see some Indian Army Quotes.

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Indian Army Day quotes 2020
“Either I will come back after hoisting the Tricolour (Indian flag), or I will come back wrapped in it, but I will be back for sure” was said by Captain Vikram Batra.

“Only best of the friends and worst of the enemies visit us” was used by the Indian Army.

“There will be no withdrawal without written orders and these orders shall never be issued” said by Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw.

“We fight to win and win with a knockout because there are no runners up in war” was said by  General JJ Singh.

“If death strikes, before I prove my blood, I swear I’ll kill death” was said by Capt. Manoj Kumar Pandey.

“If a man says he is not afraid of dying, he is either lying or a Gurkha” - Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw

“The enemy is only 50 yards from us. We are heavily outnumbered. We are under devastating fire. I shall not withdraw an inch but will fight to our last man and our last round” was said by Major Somnath Sharma.

“Quartered in snow, silent to remain. When the bugle calls, they shall rise and march again” was stated in The scroll of honour at the Siachen base camp.


Indian Army Day 2020: Here Is Everything You Should Know About The Unique Theme This Year

Indian Army Day is celebrated every year on 15 January. Indian Army Day 2020 theme very unique and well-thought. Continue reading to know more about the day.

India will be celebrating its 72nd Indian Army Day on January 15, 2020. The Indian Army day is celebrated every year on January 15. The Indian army was officially established on April 1, 1895. It was only after 1949 that the Army got its first chief. On January 15, the command of the Indian Army was handed over from General Sir Francis Butcher to Lieutenant General KM Cariappa. 

Also Read: Soldiers Perform Indian Army Day 2020 Parade Dress Rehearsal At Parade Ground

Also Read: Goa: 72nd Indian Army Day 2020 Theme Celebrations In Campal Ground

The Indian Army Day is celebrated every year at all Army Command headquarters in order to honour the soldiers of our country who have set the greatest example of selfless service and brotherhood and more than anything the love for the country. Indian Army is said to be one of the most powerful militaries of the world and is competing with superpowers like the US, Russia and China.

The rehearsals for the Indian Army Day 2020 Theme are being conducted in the national capital, New Delhi. On India Army Day 2020, not only the soldiers display their courage and bravery by marching in parades all over the country but the army will also be displaying its arsenal of weapons. These weapons will also include the BLT T-72 'Bharat Rakshak' tank as well as the 155m Soltum Gun, Advanced Light Helicopters and also the BhaMos Missles.

What is the Indian Army Day Theme 2020?
Indian Army Day 2020 Theme is something new and innovative. DefExpo India 2020 will be India: The Emerging Defense Manufacturing Hub and the main focus will be on the 'Digital Transformation of Defense' is the Indian Army Day 2020 Theme. On Indian Army Day 2020, the security personnel parades will be organized in many cities across the nation. In New Delhi, the annual parade will be taking place at the Cariappa Parade Ground.

The 72nd Indian Army Day 2020 will be the very first time when the woman army officer will be seen leading the Army Day Parade. Tania Sher Gill is a fourth-generation Indian army officer who joined the armed forces in 2017 after graduating from the Officers Training Academy in Chennai. Captain Tania Sher Gill will be the first woman parade adjutant for the Army Day Parade this year.


Makar Sankranti: Read To Know How Is Makar Sankranti Is Celebrated In Gujarat

Makar Sankranti is celebrated across India in many ways and the cultural significance varies according to each state. Here's how it is celebrated in Gujarat.

Makar Sankranti is celebrated across India in various ways and the cultural significance of this festival varies according to different regions of the country. As you move from one state to another, you will see every state celebrating and welcoming the upcoming new season in their own indigenous way.

It is known that Makar Sankranti is the first Indian festival that falls in the New Year. It is one of the major harvest festivals that is celebrated on January 14, of every year. It is considered to be an important festival of the Hindu and is celebrated everywhere in the country in various cultural forms and different names.

Every region celebrates the festival in numerous ways according to the geographical area, culture, and traditions.  Read on to know how is Makar Sankranti is celebrated in Gujarat:

Makar Sankranti in Gujarat

Many people release a lantern into the air as a mark of the upcoming season, also called the Uttaryan celebration in Gujarat. There is no better place to celebrate this festival than the state of Gujarat. This state located in the western regions of the country comes alive during the festival of Makar Sankranti, which symbolises the end of the cold season and the beginning of the longer days. You will witness the festive spirits days before the festival begins.

ALSO READ | Makar Sankranti 2020: All About The Hindu Festival Of India

Popularly known as the Festival of Kites, the state of Gujarat celebrated this version of Makar Sankranti with great enthusiasm.

Also known as 'Uttarayan' in Gujarat, the festival is celebrated for two days. The first day is called 'Uttarayan' and the next day is called as 'Vasi-Uttarayan'. The people of Gujarat celebrate this glorious festival with Kites, 'Undhiyu' and 'Chikkis'.

ALSO READ | Makar Sankranti 2020: Here's All You Need To Know About The Sacred Hindu Festival

The biggest thing to watch is the kites flying high in the sky. Hundreds of contests from across the world come to participate in this Kite Festival.

You will find children and adults spending hours on terraces, flying kites and giving instructions to cut other kites in the sky. You will see them screaming Kai Po Che when they finally manage to cut the kite.

ALSO READ | Makar Sankranti 2020: Know The Best Places To Fly Your Beautiful Kite In Maharashtra

Makar Sankranti Cuisine

Another big part is the food. Undhiyu and Chikki are the two famous dishes from Gujarat that is savoured all across the country. Undhiyu is prepared by combining all the winter vegetables and spicy curry. The dish will definitely leave you mouth-watering. Next comes the Chikki which is a sweet that is prepared from sesame seeds, peanuts and jaggery.


Makar Sankranti 2020: Check Out These Places In Uttar Pradesh To Fly Kites

Makar Sankranti 2020 falls on January 14 today and here are the few locations in UP where you can stroll through and take Instagram worthy pictures. See details

Kite flying is a famous tradition that is celebrated during Makar Sankranti. It is usually celebrated on 14th of every January. It is a nostalgic tradition that has been followed since the times of our great grandfathers. In Uttar Pradesh, the locations like Aminabad and Hazratganj are full of colourful kites in all shapes and sizes.

ALSO READ| Makar Sankranti 2020: Maharashtrian Dishes Prepared On The Auspicious Day

Makar Sankranti 2020 celebrations in Uttar Pradesh

In Uttar Pradesh, the festival is called as Kicheri where the people go through the religious bathing traditions on this day. Around two million people gather at Allahabad, Haridwar, and Varanasi on this day to dip in the holy Ganges on the occasion of Makar Sankranti. people eat laddoos made of sesame and jaggery, it was called as 'tillava' in Bhojpuri. People celebrate Makar Sankranti in many states including UP, Gujarat and Maharashtra.

Varanasi kite festival has been celebrated for hundreds of years ago, people celebrate this festival for good fortune as well as meet socially on this day. People from any age, sex and race celebrate the kite festival by locating the tallest buildings to fly their kites from. Basically the kites festival is won by the one who kept the kites on the sky for a longer time by using skilful flight techniques.

ALSO READ| When Is Makar Sankranti In 2020? Know All About The Kite Flying Festival In India

Kankawwa is the Lucknowi style of kite that was made during the times of Nawabs. The kites are heavy and are usually shaped like a bird flying. People consider kite flying as a trending competition during Makar Sankranti. The jamghats are arranged across the whole city in Lucknow. Special ghats are arranged for these kite flying festivals where people gather and some may even follow betting practices on who will win the kite flying festival.


Makar Sankranti 2020: Know The Best Places To Fly Your Beautiful Kite In Maharashtra

Makar Sankranti is one of the favourite festivals in India. On this day, people enjoy flying kites. Know where in Maharashtra you can enjoy kite-flying

Makar Sankranti is a fun festival. This is probably the time you will see a colourful sky, filled with colourful kites. On this festive day, people celebrate by flying kites and have fun with their family and friends. To fly a kite, you need the proper amount of wind and space. Here are a few places where you will find people flying their beautiful kite in Maharashtra and catch some Instagram-worthy pictures: 

Best Instagram worthy pictures this Makar Sankranti
Amarsons Garden:
This is the best spot for kite flying as it has palm trees all over, a beach, pathways, and beautiful view. You can go to Amarsons Garden with your family or friends and enjoy Makar Sankranti on the beach. You will find good space and wind there. You can also enjoy some good food along with flying kites. This place is beautiful during Makar Sankranti as the sky is colourful, the beach is next to you and the palm trees keep you calm. Here you can grab on some worthy pictures for your Instagram for sure.

Read: Makar Sankranti 2020: All About The Hindu Festival Of India

Juhu Chowpatty
You will love flying here as it is a big open. The fresh air at the beach is another plus point to the festivities. However,  a major downfall is that the place is always filled with tourists as the Juhu Chowpatty is a popular tourist spot in the city. If you are okay with the crowd, then you should definitely consider going there on a festive day and click a picture with the crowd and show their love for Makar Sankranti. 

Read: Makar Sankranti 2020: Maharashtrian Dishes Prepared On The Auspicious Day

Shivaji park
Shivaji Park is one of the best spots for flying kites as it is big and open. There are also cricketers playing there. This park is the best choice if in case you have a kid along, kids will absolutely love this park for flying kites. The park is located in Dadar west and it is open all day long.


When Is Makar Sankranti In 2020? Know All About The Kite Flying Festival In India

When is Makar Sankranti? People are often wondering if ‘Makar Sankranti on January 14 or January 15.’ read here to know the date and all about the festival

When is Makar Sankranti this year? People are often wondering if ‘Makar Sankranti is on January 14 or January 15.’ Usually, the festival is celebrated on January 14, but in some exceptions, Makar Sankranti dates can differ.

In 2020, Makar Sankranti will be celebrated on January 15. As per reports, Makar Sankranti is set by the solar cycle of the Hindu lunisolar calendar. It is observed on a day which usually falls on January 14 of the Gregorian calendar, but sometimes on 15 January.

Makar Sankranti is celebrated with a lot of fervour in India. The festival is a religious celebration as well as a seasonal observance and marks the winter solstice. This day is also known as Maghi and it also marks the first day of the Sun’s transit into Makar (Capricorn) and is observed in the month of January.

Also read | Makar Sankranti 2020: Maharashtrian Dishes Prepared On The Auspicious Day

What is Sankranti?
Makar Sankranti marks the end of Malmaas, an inauspicious month in the Hindu (Panchang) calendar, and the transition of the Sun to the zodiacal sign of Makar (Capricorn) to herald a change in season. It is celebrated in the north as Lohri, in Assam as Bhogali Bihu and in the south as Pongal. Lohri, Pongal and Bihu will continue to be celebrated on January 13 and 14 because they are held according to date, and not as per the transition of change in the Hindu calendar.

On this day, many devotees take a dip in rivers like Ganga, Godavari, Yamuna, Krishna and Cauvery. It is often believed that this washes away their sins. It is also considered a time of peace and prosperity and many spiritual practices are conducted on this day.

Every 12 years, along with Makar Sankranti celebrations, the Kumbh Mela also takes place, which is one of the world’s largest mass privileges. Sesame and jaggery laddoos or chikkis are distributed on this day. Popularly referred to as til-gud. The sweet signifies that people must stay together in peace and harmony despite their differences.


Makar Sankranti 2020: Nine Simple Ways To Make A Kite For Kids

Makar Sankranti 2020 is here, and many people are seen buying kites to celebrate the festival. But why buy kites when you can make it in these 9 simple ways.

Kite Flying is known to be a popular tradition that is celebrated during the auspicious occasion of Makar Sankranti 2020. The festival is celebrated usually on January 14 every year. Makar Sankranti 2020 is celebrated in various ways in India. 

Hindus and Sikhs call it Makar Sankranti, but a few states have their lingual names for the festival. In states like West Bengal, Makar Sankranti is called Poush sôngkrānti and in Assam, it is called Magh Bihu. Since one of the ways of celebrating Makar Sankranti is flying kites, here is one of the simplest ways to make kites for kids.

ALSO READ | Makar Sankranti 2020: Bollywood Songs That Celebrate The Kite Flying Festival

How to make a kite?
Fold your paper in half diagonally. Crease the paper well and open it up again.
Take the smaller stick (Coconut broomstick) and tape it to the crease line that you have created.
After taping the first stick, take the long stick and tape it to the two empty sides (Arc-like structure).
Cut the excess tape and then add ribbons or the piece of papers on a corner opposite to the arc.
These ribbons or strips of paper will help your kite balance its weight while in air.
The ribbon or the tail can be longer than the kite.
After this, attach the threads where the arc and the perpendicular stick meet. Other than this, one more thread has to be attached to the first stick a few inches about the ribbon tail and this is how you tie a kite.
Decorate your kite as you wish you to.
After attaching the threads, you can use this kite to enjoy your Makar Sankranti 2020.

Makar Sankranti 2020: Why Do We Celebrate This Festival In India?

Makar Sankranti 2020 will be celebrated on January 15 this year, while it is usually celebrated on January 14. Read to know about the importance of the festival

Every year Makar Sankranti is celebrated in the month of January to mark the winter solstice. It is also one of the largely celebrated Hindu festivals of India which is celebrated differently in various cultures but the common practice on the day of Makar Sankranti is flying colourful kites. The festival has its own significance in the Hindu culture and is not only a religious celebration, but also a seasonal observance as the shift of the sun lead to ever-lengthening, longer days.

One of the lesser-known facts about the festival is that it is also referred to as Maghi. Usually, Makar Sankranti is celebrated on January 14 of every year, but in some exceptions, the celebration takes place on January 15, which is the case with 2020.

Importance of Makar Sankranti

Makar Sankranti, a.k.a Maghi is a major harvest festival and is dedicated to Surya and also marks the first day of the sun’s transit into Makara (Capricorn). The festival is also commonly known as Uttarayan, as the sun begins its northward journey from the day of Makar Sankranti.

The festival is celebrated across the country, but with different names and traditions. There are several names for the festival depending on the region it is being celebrated in. Some of the examples include Poush sôngkrānti in Maharashtra, Goa, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Karnataka and Telangana, Sukarat in central India, Pongal in Tamil Nadu, Magh Bihu in Assam.

Why do we celebrate Makar Sankranti?

On the fay of the festival, devotees take a holy dip in several rivers which are considered holy which comprise Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Krishna and Cauvery. They believe that doing so will wash away their sins and it is also considered a time of peace and prosperity and many spiritual practices are conducted on this day. After a span of every 12 years, the Kumbh Mela also takes place, along with Makar Sankranti, and is one of the world’s largest mass pilgrimages.

Makar Sankranti: Quotes That You Can Use To Wish Your Friends On January 15

Makar Sakranti quotes that might help you to wish your friends, family members and even colleagues. Read more to know about some Happy Makar Sankranti quotes.

Makar Sankranti is one of the most important festivals of India which is completely dedicated to the Lord Surya or the sun deity. The festival is also popular by the name Maghi and it is observed every year in the month of January. It marks the first day of the sun's transit into Makara (Capricorn) which marks the end of the month with the winter solstice and the start of longer days.

Makar Sankranti is a festival where people come together to celebrate the completion of a  solar cycle and interestingly, it falls on the same Gregorian date every year that is January 14. This year in 2020, it falls on January 15. The festival is celebrated with friends and family to make merry, indulge in kite flying, bonfires and feasts. Try making the most of this wintery festival by sharing warm messages and wishes with your loved ones. Read more to know about some Happy Makar Sankranti quotes. 

Happy Makar Sankranti quotes

Worship the Lord Sun and fly the kite in order to celebrate the day, as this is the season of harvest. Happy Makar Sankranti to all.

This is that time of the year where anyone can enjoy the moment with great intensity and cheers. Wish you and your family a very prosperous Makar Sankranti.

The festival of sun and harvest is here. May it enlighten your mind with knowledge and wisdom. Happy Makar Sankranti dear.

Let’s come together and celebrate this day of happiness. Let’s fly the kites and touch the skies of happiness. Wish you a very Happy Makar Sankranti.

Explore out the brightest light coming from the sun rays and enjoy this gentle breeze & cool air with hearty music. Wish you a very Happy Makar Sankranti.
Happy Makar Sankranti wishes
Hope the rising sun at Makar Sankranti will fill your life with happiness and prosperity. Happy Makar Sankranti!
May the auspicious Makar Sankranti festival fill your home with joy.
Have an enchanting Makar Sankranti.
Sankranti, there's sun festival here!
May it bring you more knowledge and wisdom, and illuminate your life for the whole new year.
Happy Makar Sankranti
Hope you are happy and wealthy

Republic Day Messages And Wishes To Send To Your Friends And Family

Republic Day is almost here and in no time you will start receiving wishes. Here are a few republic day messages that can be sent to your friends and family.

Republic Day is celebrated to mark the day that the Constitution of India came into effect. This day is celebrated every year on January 26. This day is observed by flag hoisting across the country in schools, colleges, and even companies. The President of India hoists the flag at India Gate which is followed by a Republic Day parade. The main attraction for this Republic Day is that Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro will attend the celebration as the chief guest. This would also mark the first time where Chief of Defence Staff Gen Bipin Rawat would attend the Republic Day parade and would also welcome the Prime Minister along with three defense chiefs.

Republic Day messages to send to your friends and families

Be the cause of unity, Fight against corruption, Flair the flag of our nation, Happy Republic Day!
We the youth of India should take, the pledge that till our last breath be will fight against terrorism, we will fight against corruption. We will protect our mother India with all we have, Jai Hind! Happy Republic Day!
Freedom in Mind, Faith in Words, Pride in our Heart, Memories in our soul, Let’s salute the nation on Republic Day. Happy Republic Day!
Let's spread the message which the tricolor gives. Let's spread peace, humanity, and prosperity among the people. Happy Republic Day!
Whether you be young or old, tall or short, light skin or dark skin, we all must come together to show the whole world that this nation is the best nation under the sun! Happy Republic Day to you and your loved ones!
Everyone who is born in this great land has only one identity - we are all Indians. Happy Republic Day!
The sanctity of law can be maintained only so as long as it is the expression of the will of the people. Happy Republic Day!


Republic Day Images That You Can Send To Your Family And Friends

Republic Day honours the date on which the Constitution of India came into effect on January 26, 1950. Here are the Republic Day images you must check out.

Republic Day honours the date on which the Constitution of India came into effect on January 26, 1950 replacing the Government of India Act as the governing document of India. India is currently rolling up to celebrate the 71st Republic Day on January 26. Republic Day celebrations are characterized by the parade at India Gate, Rajpath in the national capital. It is customary to have a foreign leader as the Chief Guest for the Republic Day Parade and this year in 2020, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro will be attending the event as the chief guest. Let's take a look at the Republic Day celebrations and Republic Day greetings:

India’s rich culture is portrayed on this day and the parade will start with the hoisting of the national flag by the President of India. The Parade showcasing India’s military might will be presided over by President Ram Nath Kovind, who is the Supreme Commander of the Indian Armed Forces. Along with President Kovind, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his ministerial party colleagues along with politicians from various parties will  attend the Parade. Regiments of Army, Navy, Air Force, police and paramilitary forces march along the Rajpath while India’s defence prowess is on display with latest missiles, aircraft, and weapon systems.

Tickets for the Republic Day 2020 are sold at various spots spread across Delhi. The tickets for the 71st R-Day parade are sold every year between January 7 to January 25. The tickets for the Beating Retreat ceremony can be purchased until January 28. Tickets are available at the counters in between 10 am-12.30 pm and 2 pm-4.30 pm. The Republic Day 2020 tickets will cost in the range of Rs. 20 to Rs. 500, depending upon the distance. The 71st Republic Day tickets worth ₹ 20 and ₹ 50 are for unreserved seats.


Republic Day Wishes In English: Messsages And Quotes You Can Send To Your Loved-ones

India will celebrate its 71st Republic day on January 26, 2020. Here are a few messages and quotes you can send to your loved-ones to wish on the day.

India will celebrate its 71st Republic Day on January 26, 2020. The entire country celebrates the day with enthusiasm and patriotism. As part of the celebration, a grand military parade is organised in New Delhi that involves participants from the country’s Navy, Air Force, and Army. This historic event is observed every year with much enthusiasm and joy. Here are some messages and quotes in English, you can share on your Whatsapp or Facebook status. You could also send these quotes and messages to your near-and-dear ones. Check out below:

Republic Day messages to send:

It's 26th January today/ The Historical day to remember/ Our national heroes and freedom fighters/ Who suffered to give us a republic nation. Happy 26th January
Freedom in Mind, Faith in our heart, Memories in our souls, Let's salute the Nationa on Republic Day
India has no dearth of brave young men and women and if they get the opportunity and help then we can compete with other nations in space exploration and one of them will fulfil her dreams.
Our ancestors gave us a glorious past/ We need to create the future/ This Republic Day/ Lead the change and become a real Indian/ Jai Hind
Let us remember/ The golden Heritage of our country and feel proud to be a part of India. Happy Republic Day
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high...Into that heaven of freedom, my father, let my country awake. Happy Republic Day

Republic day quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook status:
On this special day, let's promise our motherland that we will do everything to enrich and preserve the heritage of our ethos and our treasure.
Freedom in the mind/ Strength in the words/ Pureness in our blood/ Pride in our souls/ Zeal in our hearts/ let's salute our India on Republic Day.
Let us pray for the prosperity and unity of our country on this Republic Day. As we remember those who fought to give us freedom. Vande Matram
One nation, one vision, one identity. No nation is perfect, it needs to be made perfect. Happy Republic Day.
Let every teacher teach the student how to love this nation/ Let every parent instil in his or her sons and daughters the beauty of our nation. happy Republic day
Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better. happy Republic Day

Chinese New Year 2020: Here's Everything You Need To Know About The Celebration

Chinese New Year 2020 is considered as the Year of the Rat. The Chinese community from around the world will celebrate the new year on January 25, 2020.

As the Chinese New Year is approaching, people from the community are all ready to welcome the year 2020. Chinese people across the world are busy prepping up with the decoration.

As this is Year of the Rat, the community is adorning their home with red colour and joining grandeur parades to celebrate and wish everyone a happy, healthy and a prosperous year ahead. Here’s everything you need to know about the Chinese New Year 2020.

When is the Chinese New Year 2020?

The first day of the Chinese New Year is called the Spring Festival or Lunar New Year. This year, it will fall on January 25, 2020, i.e. Saturday. Every year, the date changes. Depending upon the Gregorian calendar, the day of celebration varies annually. Therefore, the lunisolar Chinese calendar determines the date on which the Chinese New Year is celebrated.

Also read: Chinese New Year In Japan, And Time To Visit The Country To Celebrate New Year

How is Chinese New Year celebrated?

Generally, the Chinese New Year celebration continues for over a fortnight. It ends with the Lantern Festival, which will be held on February 8 this year. Also known as the Spring Lantern Festival, this festival starts on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month every year.

Everything to know about the Chinese New Year 2020

This year is considered as Year of the Rat. The Chinese calendar is categorized into 12-year cycles, which means that the next Year of the Rat will arrive after 12 years. Similarly, it happens with the other years.

The previous year was known as the Year of the Pig, which is the last animal according to the Chinese Zodiac. On the other hand, the next year will mark the Year of the Ox, which is the second animal.

According to some people, Rodents are considered to be a symbol of quick-wittiness, smartness, and intelligence. This is demonstrated in a story, which is usually told during the New Year celebrations by the Chinese community.

Also read: Chinese New Year: When To Visit Hong Kong To Celebrate The Blissful Event

As per a Chinese myth, the Jade Emperor celebrated his birthday and organised a race for 12 animals. The rank of each animal determines their rank in the Chinese zodiac.

According to the legend, the Rat hopped on the Ox’s back, who reached the finish line first. But it jumped off the Ox and crossed the finish line before any other animal could. It has won and now tops the rank in the Chinese zodiac. 

Republic Day Wishes, Messages, And Quotes To Send To Your Friends And Families

Republic Day status: Read on to know about the quotes, SMSes, and wishes to share with family and friends on the 71st Republic Day, on January 26, 2020.

republic day status

This year India will celebrate the 71st Republic Day on Sunday, January 26. It is a proud moment for the country and its citizens. Those who gave their lives for the freedom of the nation are honoured on this day. The President of India hoists the national flag to mark the independence of the country. On the occasion, here are wishes, messages, SMS, quotes to share with your friends and family on this day.

Republic Day 2020 Wishes, Messages, SMS, quotes

Get the freedom you have been desiring for long, that you have been denied for long. Happy Republic Day 2020.

“When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous.” - Albert Einstein

"Give me your blood, I will give you freedom" - Subhas Chandra Bose

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

“Freedom cannot be bestowed — it must be achieved.” - Elbert Hubbard

“Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better.”  - Albert Camus

Happy Republic Day 2020! Let’s recall the true heroes of India who sacrificed their lives to give us freedom.

Be proud that you are an Indian because lucky are those who are born in this great country. Happy Republic Day 2020!

Be proud that you live in a country that has such a rich history and heritage. Happy Republic Day!

Our nation is the greatest in the world, but let us strive to make it even better. Happy Republic Day 2020!

Better things are coming your way! Be in welcoming energy. Be ready to receive. Happy Republic Day 2020!

Happy Republic Day 2020! May your day be an exciting one filled with merrymaking.