Quotsagram: The Largest Quotes Directory in the World

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Gardening Quotes #2 | Quotsagram

 We come from the earth, we return to the earth, and in between we garden. -Anonymous 
 In a garden full of weeds, dare to be a flower.
gardening quote: we come from the earth we return to the earth and in between we garden.
 If you want to be happy for a lifetime, be a gardener. -Chinese Proverb
 Gardeners are like doctors; they both bury their mistakes.
 Gardening begins with daybreak and ends with backache.
 A man should never plant a garden larger than his wife can take care of.
 When life gives you shit, grow a garden.
 Unemployment is capitalism's way of getting you to plant a garden.
 Don't wear perfume in the garden, unless you want to be pollinated by bees.
 God Almighty first planted a garden. And indeed it is the purest of human pleasures. -Francis Bacon
 An addiction to gardening is not all bad when you consider all the other choices in life. -Cora Lee Bell
 A gardener’s work is never at an end; it begins with the year and continues to the next. -John Evelyn
 Gardening; it comes in handy when you need to hide the bodies.
 God made rainy days so gardeners could get housework done.
 The man who has planted a garden feels that he has done something for the good of the world. -Vita Sackville-West
 There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments. -Janet Kilburn Phillips
Gardening simply does not allow one to be mentally old, because too many hopes and dreams are yet to be realized. -Allan Armitage
Gardening imparts an organic perspective on the passage of time. -William Cowper
If you are a garden plant, you are regarded; well regarded, just as long as you stay in the garden. -Davies Gilbert  
My idea of gardening is to discover something wild in my wood and weed around it with the utmost care, until it has a chance to grow and spread. -Margaret Bourke-White
The best place to find God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. -David Hobson 
 Gardening is medicine that does not need a prescription and has no limit on dosage. 
 One is nearer God's heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth.

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Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Chess Quotes by World Champions | 96 Quotes

chess quotes world champions: if you want to become a world champion you should avoid playing in open tournaments. anatoly karpov
Chess Quotes by World Champion Mikhail Tal: Quiet moves often make a stronger impression than a wild combination with heavy sacrifices.
 To be champion requires more than simply being a strong player; one has to be a strong human being as well. -Anatoly Karpov
 Playing for complications is an extreme measure that a player should adopt only when he cannot find a clear and logical plan. -Alexander Alekhine
 Chess is war over the board. The object is to crush the opponents mind. -Bobby Fischer
 Chess mastery essentially consists of analyzing Chess positions accurately -Mikhail Botvinnik
 I think that the World Champion should try to defend the quality of play more than anyone else. -Boris Spassky
 Pawns not only create the sketch for the whole painting, they are also the soil, the foundation, of any position -Anatoly Karpov
 Quiet moves often make a stronger impression than a wild combination with heavy sacrifices. -Mikhail Tal
 If you want to become a World Champion you should avoid playing in open tournaments. -Anatoly Karpov
 Contrary to many young colleagues I do believe that it makes sense to study the classics. -Magnus Carlsen
 The best indicator of a Chess Player's form is his ability to sense the climax of the game. -Boris Spassky
 The cherished dream of every chess player is to play a match with the World Champion. But here is the paradox: the closer you come to the realization of this goal, the less you think about it. -Mikhail Tal
 You can only get good at chess if you love the game -Bobby Fischer

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Wine Quotes Collection #2 | Quotsagram

Wine Bottle pouring to glass with quotes about it
 Great wine works wonders and is itself one. -Edward Steinberg 
 Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere. -Jose Andres

 Wine makes every meal an occasion, every table more elegant, every day more civilized. -Andre Simon
 Wine is a passport to the world. -Thom Elkjer
 His lips drink water but his heart drinks wine - E. E. Cummings
 There comes a time in the day that no matter the question...the answer is wine.
 The older the grape, sweeter the wine. -Janis Joplin
 Start your day with coffee, end your day with wine.
 Men are like a fine wine. They all start out like grapes, and it's our job to stomp on them and keep them in the dark until they mature into something you'd like to have dinner with. -Jill Shalvis
 If we sip the wine, we find dreams coming upon us out of the imminent night. -D. H. Lawrence
 Most of the confidence which I appear to feel, especially when influenced by noon wine, is only a pretense. -Tennessee Williams
 We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more. -Carl Jung
 As long as we have wine, the holidays will be fine.
 Wine. Because it's not good to keep things bottled up.
 Wine makes all things possible. -George R.R. Martin
 This is one of the disadvantages of wine, it makes a man mistake words for thoughts. -Samuel Johnson

Also Read:
 Wine Quotes #1 
 Wine Quotes #3
 Champagne Quotes
 Coffee Quotes

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Henry Ford Quotes Collection | Quotsagram

 Don’t find fault, find a remedy; anybody can complain.
 To do more for the world than the world does for you, that is success.
 A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.
 Time and money spent in helping men to do more for themselves is far better than mere giving.
 Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.
 Money doesn’t make us, anyway, it just unmasks us.
 There is no disgrace in honest failure; there is disgrace in fearing to fail.
 The unhappiest man on earth is the one who has nothing to do.
 You can’t learn in school what the world is going to do next year.
 The partnership of mind and matter is one which has existed since the beginning of time and cannot be dissolved.
 Those who stop marketing to save money are like those who stop a clock to save time.
 Vision without execution is just hallucination.
 There are no big problems, there are just a lot of little problems.
 Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it.
 Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.
 When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.


Mahatma Gandhi Quotes | Quotsagram

 My life is my message. 
 An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.
 Be the change you wish to see in the world.
 There is no school equal to a decent home and no teacher equal to a virtuous parent.
 A nation's greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.
 In matters of conscience, the law of majority has no place.
 Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.
 The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
 Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.
 The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
 It has always been a mystery to me how men can feel themselves honored by the humiliation of their fellow beings.
 Love is the strongest force the world possesses, and yet it is the humblest imaginable.
 Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
 Poverty is the worst form of violence.
 Nobody can hurt me without my permission.
 To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.
 Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.
 In a gentle way you can shake the world.
 Morality is the basis of things and truth is the substance of all morality.
 Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.
 If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.
 Peace is its own reward.
 I cannot teach you violence as I do not myself believe in it. I can only teach you not to bow your heads before anyone even at the cost of your life.


Rumi Quotes | Quotsagram

Poet and saint Rumi wearing white turban colorful clipart with quotes
 Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
 When setting out on a journey, do not seek advice from those who have never left home.
 Being a candle is not easy; in order to give light one must first burn.
 You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.
 Your heart knows the way. Run in that direction.
 Silence is the language of God. All else is poor translation.
 The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.
 If people misunderstand you, do not worry...It is your voice that they hear, but what goes through their mind is their own thoughts.
 Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.
 If all you can do is crawl. Start crawling.
 Don't grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.
 Wherever you stand, be the soul of that place.
 Run from what's comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious.
 Be foolishly in love, because love is all there is.
 Listen to silence. It has so much to say.
 Anyone who knows me should learn to know me again; For I am like the Moon, you will see me with a new face everyday.
 Your heart and my heart are very, very old friends.
 You have seen my descent. Now watch my rising..
 The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore.
 The cure for the pain is in the pain.
 Appear as you are. Be as you appear.
 Shine like the whole universe is yours.
 Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor.
 Know that one day your pain will become your cure.
 Consciousness sleeps in minerals, dreams in plants, wakes up in animals, and becomes self-aware in humans.
 Know then that the body is merely a garment, go seek the wearer, not the cloak.
 Respond to every call that excites your spirit.

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 Aristotle Quotes

Zen Proverbs Quotes Sayings Collection | Quotsagram

 Obstacles do not block the path, they are the path.
 Change how you see and see how you change.
 Man stands in his own shadow and wonders why it is dark.
 In Zen, we don't find the answers.We lose the questions.
 Let go or be dragged.
 Water which is too pure has no fish.
 When you get there, there isn't any there there.
 Words are the fog one has to see through.
 Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere.
 The true purpose of Zen is to see things as they are, to observe things as they are and to let everything go as it goes.
 Knowledge is learning something everyday. Wisdom is letting go of something everyday.
 He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.
The only zen you find at the top of the mountain is the zen you bring with you.
 Understanding nothingness takes time.
 Joy comes from appreciation. Appreciation comes from paying attention. Paying attention is the practice of Zen.
 Sometimes, simply by sitting, the soul collects wisdom.
 Consider the trees which allow the birds to perch and fly away without either inviting them to stay or desiring them never to depart. If your heart can be like this, you will be near to the way.
If you do not get it from yourself, where will you go for it?
No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place.


Practice Quotes Collection | Quotsagram

 If you don't practice, you don't deserve to win. -Andre Agassi
 Practice puts brains in your muscles. -Sam Snead
 Practice is the best of all instructors. -Publilius Syrus
 Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.
 When you are not practicing, remember, somewhere someone is practicing, and when you meet him he will win. -Ed Macaulay
 The formula for success is simple; practice and concentration, then more practice and more concentration. Babe Didrikson Zaharias
 The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is practice. Vladimir  Horowitz
 Practice isn't the thing you do once you're good. It's the thing you do that makes you good. Malcolm Gladwell
 A good teacher offers practice, a bad one offers theories. -Anthony De Mello
 There is no glory in practice, but without practice, there is no glory.
 Good players practice till they get it right... Great players practice till they never get it wrong.
 Make the practices like games and the games like practices. -Don Meyer
 The more you sweat in practice, the less you bleed in battle.
 Practice without theory is more valuable than a theory without practice. -Marcus Quintilianus
 You earn your trophies at practice. You just pick them up at competitions.
 An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching. -Mahatma Gandhi
 One man practicing sportsmanship is far better than a hundred teaching it. - Knute Rockne


Coffee Quotes Collection | Quotsagram

Coffee pouring to white ceramic cup with beans, snacks and quotes
 Coffee is a hug in a mug. -Anonymous 
 Even bad coffee is better than no coffee at all. -David Lynch
 Adventure in life is good; consistency in coffee even better. -Justina Chen
 If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee. -Abraham Lincoln
 Our culture runs on coffee and gasoline, the first often tasting like the second. -Edward Abbey
 Patience is the time between drinking a cup of coffee and the motivation to begin your day. -Anonymous
 Coffee is a language in itself. -Jackie Chan
 Coffee first. Schemes later. -Leanna Renee Hieber
 When life gives you lemons, trade them for coffee.
 A morning coffee is my favourite way of starting the day, settling the nerves so that they don't later fray. -Marcia Carrington
 Only an idiot would rely on the energy of a bean or a leaf to stay awake throughout the day. -Tahereh Mafi
 Coffee and chocolate-the inventor of mocha should be sainted. -Cherise Sinclair
 Humanity runs on coffee.
 Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after. -Anne Morrow Lindbergh
 Coffee should be black as hell, strong as death and sweet as love. -Turkish Proverb
 A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems.
 Tobacco, coffee, alcohol, hashish, prussic acid, strychnine, are weak dilutions. The surest poison is time. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Life is what happens between coffee and wine. -Anonymous

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 Coffee Quotes #2
 Chocolate Quotes
 Wine Quotes
 Beer Quotes

Chocolate Quotes | Quotsagram

 Chocolate is cheaper than therapy, and you don't need an appointment.
 Save the planet, It's the only one with chocolate.
 Chocolate is to women what duct tape is to men. It fixes everything.
 I could give up chocolate. But I'm not a quitter.
 A balanced diet is chocolate in both hands.
 I've never met a chocolate I didn't like.
 Nine out of ten people love chocolate, and the tenth person is always lying.
 Seven days without chocolate makes one weak.
 Chocolate is ground from the beans of happiness. -Alexis F. Hope
 The only thing better than chocolate is more chocolate...
 If the last chocolate on earth came to you for help, would you eat it immediately or wait a few minutes?
 Life is always better with a cup of hot chocolate.
 Coffee makes it possible to get out of bed. Chocolate makes it worthwhile.
 I won't be impressed with technology until I can download chocolate.
 Chocolate: a delicious cure for a bad day.
 Chocolate is health food for the soul. -Miranda Gray
 All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt. -Charles M. Schulz
 Chocolate is not an addiction. It is simply a real necessity.
 Chocolate is nature's way of making up for Mondays.
 Chocolate is great, it gives you energy which can be used to go buy more chocolate.
 Friends are chocolate chips in the cookie of life.
 Caramels are only a fad. Chocolate is a permanent thing. -Milton Hershey
 When life gives you lemons, Throw it back and ask for chocolate.
 Broken trust is like a melted chocolate, no matter how you tried to freeze it, it will never return to its original shape.
I love chocolate. I like milk and dark chocolate, but definitely not white. -Alicia Sacramone

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Beer Quotes
Wine Quotes
Champagne Quotes


Beer Quotes Collection | Quotsagram

 B-E-E-R: Brew, Enjoy, Empty, Repeat.
 The best beers are the ones we drink with friends.
 Beer is not the answer. Beer is the question. "Yes" is the answer. -Earl Dibbles Jr.
 Beer is good, but beers are better.
 Life is too short to drink bad beer.
 Education is important. But beer is importanter.
 Beer doesn't have many vitamins. That's why you need to drink lots of it.
 You can't buy happiness. But you can buy beer and that's kind of the same thing.
 Whiskey is what beer wants to be when it grows up. -Anon.
 I need a beer. Just kidding, I need ten. -Earl Dibbles Jr.
 If money can't buy happiness, explain motorcycles and beer.
 I only drink beer on days that end in 'y'.
 I'm not addicted to beer. We are just in a very committed relationship.
 The difference between a beer and your opinion is that I asked for a beer.
 They say there is more to life than beer. Who is they? And why would I trust them???
 I just rescued some beer. It was trapped in a bottle. -Earl Dibbles Jr.
 The answer may not lie at the bottom of a beer bottle but... You should always check.
 Anyone can drink beer, but it takes intelligence to enjoy beer. -Stephen Beaumont
 Friends bring happiness into your life. Best friends bring beer.
 Don't cry over spilled milk. It could have been beer.
 A fine beer can be judged with only one sip, but it's better to be thoroughly sure. -Czech proverb
 Exercise is a dirty word. It makes me want to wash my mouth out with beer.


Habit Quotes Collection | Quotsagram

 It is not about how fast you can build a habit, It is what you build that matters. -Leon ho (founder of Lifehack)
 Live less out of habit and more out of intent.
 Successful people are simply those with successful habits. -Brian Tracy
 We first make our habits, then our habits make us. -John Dryden
 Habits are cobwebs at first, cables at last. -Chinese proverb
 Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired. -Jules Renard
 Enthusiasm is the electricity of life. How do you get it? You act enthusiastic until you make it a habit. -Gordon Parks
 Good habits are as addictive as bad habits, and a lot more rewarding. -Harvey Mackay
 Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. -Jim Rohn
 Quality is not an act, it is a habit. -Aristotle
 Habit, if not resisted, soon becomes necessity. -Saint Augustine
 A bad habit never disappears miraculously. It's an undo-it-yourself project. -Abigail Van Buren
 We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore is not an act, but a habit. -Aristotle
 Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. -Vince Lombardi
 It takes atleast 21 days to break a habit. -Erwin Handoko
 Habits change into character. -Ovid
 Character is simply habit long continued. -Plutarch
 It is easier to prevent bad habits than to break them. -Benjamin Franklin
 Sow a thought, reap an act;
Sow an act, reap a habit;
Sow a habit, reap a character;
Sow a character, reap a destiny.

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Bad Habit Quotes