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Wednesday 24 October 2018

Beer Quotes Collection | Quotsagram

 B-E-E-R: Brew, Enjoy, Empty, Repeat.
 The best beers are the ones we drink with friends.
 Beer is not the answer. Beer is the question. "Yes" is the answer. -Earl Dibbles Jr.
 Beer is good, but beers are better.
 Life is too short to drink bad beer.
 Education is important. But beer is importanter.
 Beer doesn't have many vitamins. That's why you need to drink lots of it.
 You can't buy happiness. But you can buy beer and that's kind of the same thing.
 Whiskey is what beer wants to be when it grows up. -Anon.
 I need a beer. Just kidding, I need ten. -Earl Dibbles Jr.
 If money can't buy happiness, explain motorcycles and beer.
 I only drink beer on days that end in 'y'.
 I'm not addicted to beer. We are just in a very committed relationship.
 The difference between a beer and your opinion is that I asked for a beer.
 They say there is more to life than beer. Who is they? And why would I trust them???
 I just rescued some beer. It was trapped in a bottle. -Earl Dibbles Jr.
 The answer may not lie at the bottom of a beer bottle but... You should always check.
 Anyone can drink beer, but it takes intelligence to enjoy beer. -Stephen Beaumont
 Friends bring happiness into your life. Best friends bring beer.
 Don't cry over spilled milk. It could have been beer.
 A fine beer can be judged with only one sip, but it's better to be thoroughly sure. -Czech proverb
 Exercise is a dirty word. It makes me want to wash my mouth out with beer.
