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Monday 22 October 2018

Million Dollar Habits (Book by Brian Tracy) Quotes | Quotsagram

 Small differences in ability can translate into large differences in results.
 Feedback is the breakfast of champions.
 Long-time perspective sharpens short-time focus.
 Pay the price of success in advance… Pay even more of the price today, so you can enjoy more of the rewards tomorrow.
 People who become financially independent are focused intently on increasing the length of time that they can enjoy their current lifestyle without ever working again.
 Before you can have more, you must first be more.
 Always think on paper, continually making lists of the things you want, and the things you will have to do to achieve them.
 Get more and more done with less and less time, and be paid more and more with less and less effort. This is the real key to success.
 Be prepared to completely change what you were doing. Spend more time on higher value activities.
 All long-term money is patient money.
 If you want to increase the amount of money you are receiving, you must increase the value of what you are giving for the money.
 Here’s a rule : Until you get into the top 10% of your field, you will never be really successful, and you will never be really happy. It is relatively easy to stay at the top of your field once you get there.
 Successful people are simply those who do more things of higher value more of the time, every given moment.

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