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Thursday 4 October 2018

Funny Quotes on Coding for that Coding Geeks | Quotsagram

 When money is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, 8 bits are lost.
 If brute force doesn’t solve your problems, then you aren’t using enough.
 Only half of programming is coding. The other 90% is debugging.
 The 90/90 rule of coding: The first 90% of a code project will take 90% of the development time. The last 10% of the project will take the other 90% of the development time. -DonZatch
 The best thing about a Boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.
 Microsoft is not the answer. Microsoft is the question. "No" is the answer.
 There is no place like
 UNIX is the answer, but only if you phrase the question very carefully.
 Pasting code from the Internet into production code is like chewing gum found in the street.
 Life would be so much easier if we only had the source code.
 Java is to JavaScript what Car is to Carpet. -Chris Heilmann
 One man’s constant is another man’s variable. -Alan J. Perlis
 Developer: an organism that turns coffee into code.
 Programming languages, like pizzas, come in only two sizes: too big and too small. -Richard Pattis
 Programming can be fun, so can cryptography; however they should not be combined. -Kreitzberg and Shneiderman
 It´s better to wait for a productive programmer to become available than it is to wait for the first available programmer to become productive. -Steve McConnell
 Did you know? The collective noun for a group of programmers is a merge-conflict. -Unknown
 Being a good programmer is 3% talent and 97% not being distracted by the internet.