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Tuesday 12 June 2018

Rework (Jason Fried) Quotes Collection #2 | Quotsagram

 Working without a plan may seem scary. But blindly following a plan that has no relationship with reality is even scarier.
 All companies have customers. Lucky companies have fans. But the most fortunate companies have audiences.
 Until you actually start making something, your brilliant idea is just that, an idea.
 You don’t need an MBA, a certificate, a fancy suit, a briefcase, or an above-average tolerance for risk. You just need an idea, a touch of confidence, and a push to get started.
 When you treat people like children, you get children’s work.
 If you already spent too much time on something that wasn't worth it, walk away. You can't get that time back. The worst thing you can do now is waste even more time.
 There are four-letter words you should never use in business. They're not f*ck or sh*t. They're need, must, can't, easy, just, only and fast.
 If you merely replicate competitors, there's no point for your existence.
 Unless you are a fortune-teller, long-term business planning is a fantasy.
 A business without a path to profit isn't a business, it's a hobby.
 When something becomes too polished, it loses its soul. It seems robotic.
 People will respect you more if you are open, honest, public, and responsive during a crisis.
 We all have ideas. Ideas are immortal. They last forever. What doesn’t last forever is inspiration. Inspiration is like fresh fruit or milk: It has an expiration date.
 Small is not just a stepping-stone. Small is a great destination itself.

Also Read:
Rework (Jason Fried) Quotes Page #1
