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Friday 22 June 2018

Vegan Quotes Collection | Quotsagram

 I like animals, all animals. I wouldn't hurt a cat or a dog or a chicken or a cow. And I wouldn't ask someone else to hurt them for me. That's why I'm a vegan. -Peter Dinklage
 Don't talk of love and peace when you have a dead animal on your plate. -Socrates
 Wings are for flying. Not frying.
 My body will not be a tomb for other creatures.
 Going vegan and staying vegan is easy when you focus on the victims instead of yourself.
 The vegan movement is one of the fastest growing social justice movements in the world today. -Melanie Joy
 By buying meat, eggs and dairy products, you're paying for cruelty. -Peter Dinklage
 Vegan food is soul food in its truest form. Soul food means to feed the soul. And, to me, your soul is your intent. If your intent is pure, you are pure. Erykah Badu
 If slaughterhouses had glass walls, we'd all be vegetarians. -Paul McCartney
 Before you ask someone why they're vegan.. ask yourself why you aren't.
 If God made animals for us to eat, then why did he make them with a brain attached to a central nervous system that allows them to feel pain in the ways in which we do? That sounds like work of the devil to me.
 I don't feel superior because I'm vegan. The truth is I am vegan because I don't feel superior to others. -Michele McCowan
 Is veganism extreme? No. What is extreme is teaching our children to love animals and then teaching them that we can harm those we love. That is extreme. -Gary L. Francione
 Don't eat anything you aren't willing to kill yourself. - Lorene Lavora
 There's no such thing as "vegan food". Either it's vegan or it's not food.

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