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Thursday 6 September 2018

Faith in God Quotes Collection | Quotsagram

 Where there is hope, there is faith. Where there is faith, miracles happen.
 If God brings you to it, he will bring you through it.
 Faith is seeing light with your heart when all your eyes sees is darkness.
 Jesus sees our sin more clearly than anyone, yet he loves us more than anyone.
 Faith is not believing that God can, it's knowing that He will.
 My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forver. Psalm 73:26
 When in doubt, pray it out.
 God has a reason for allowing things to happen. We may never understand His wisdom, but we simply have to trust His will. Psalm 37:5
 God will wreck your plans when he sees that your plans are about to wreck you.
 I would rather stand with God and be judged by the world than stand with the world and be judged by God.
 If God is all you have, you have all you need. John 14:8
 When you've done everything you can do, that's when God will step in and do what you can't do. Corinthians 12:10
 Trusting God competely means having faith that He know what is best for your life.
 Sometimes God doesn't change your situation because He is trying to change your heart.
 God is like Oxygen. You can't see him, but you need Him to survive.
 Faith does not make things easy.  It makes them possible. Luke 1:37
