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Friday 28 September 2018

Chess Quotes from the Masters on How to Play Better Chess | Quotsagram

 Even in the heat of a middlegame battle, the master still has to bear in mind the outlines of a possible future ending.-David Bronstein 
 Capture of the adverse king is the ultimate but not the first object of the game. -William Steinitz
 Examine moves that smite. A good eye for smites is far more important than a knowledge of strategical principles. -Purdy
 One bad move nullifies forty good ones. -Horowitz
 The sign of a great master is his ability to win a won game quickly and painlessly. -Irving Chernev
 The move is there, but you must see it. -Savielly Tartakower
 All lines of play which lead to the imprisonment of the bishop are on principle to be condemned. -Siegbert Tarrasch
 A pawn, when separated from his fellows, will seldom or never make a fortune. -Francois-Andre Danican Philidor
 If your opponent offers you a draw, try to work out why he thinks he’s worse off. -Nigel Short
 A good sacrifice is one that is not necessarily sound but leaves your opponent dazed and confused. -Rudolph Spielmann
 Emotional instability can be one of the factors giving rise to a failure by chess players in important duels. Under the influence of surging emotions we sometimes lose concentration and stop objectively evaluating the events that are taking place on the board. -Mark Dvoretsky
 Avoidance of mistakes is the beginning, as it is the end, of mastery in chess. -Eugene Znosko-Borovsky

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